October has been designated Pro Bono Month by the ABA, the State Bar of Michigan and many other states to highlight the need for and importance of pro bono legal assistance.
As a result of a pledge by the Board members of the Detroit Metropolitan Bar Association, I’ve signed up for training at the end of the month in order to take on a pro bono domestic violence case. I’m looking forward to dusting off my litigation skills but I expect that a d.v. case will be very challenging in many ways. It’s a way to stretch my comfort zone, learn something new and hopefully do something important legally and personally for someone else. I’ll report back as this goes along.
If you want help finding or taking on a pro bono case, contact the State Bar, the Detroit Metropolitan Bar Association, or your state bar, local legal aid office or local bar association. Many law schools have students available to work on a matter with you through their pro bono programs.