career management
Are you an apologizer? Do you keep saying “I’m sorry” for no reason? Quick, effective fixes from my experience coaching lawyers: (1) Realize that this behavior undermines your credibility and authority. (2) Count the number of times you say...
career management
>Following is a link to and points from a New York Times article that track a panel discussion at the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan state annual meeting and conference focusing on pay equity and compensation for women lawyers on May 15. I...
career management
>Here is a May 3 article from The Legal Intelligencer about a panel discussion by women judges at the ABA’s Women In Law Leadership Academy last week. I don’t agree with some of the opinions and generalizations about women litigators. Do you?...
career management
>I’m facilitating an event in Detroit on December 1st called “Moms-In-Law: A Kitchen Table Discussion. Negotiating and Succeeding With a New Work Schedule.” Co-sponsored by the Women Lawyers Association of Michigan – Wayne Region. December...
career management
Check out for information on Avenues to Advancement, Ms. JD’s Third Annual Conference on Women in the Law at Northwestern Law School. It includes more than 20 different panels on Saturday featuring lawyers and other professionals from...