Buzz Building for Lawyers, Part 2

Building Buzz About Your Legal Services: Assess yourself and the competition.  Is any other lawyer known as the “go to lawyer” for your same target market? How can you become known as the “go to lawyer” for that market?  Who and what will help...

Buzz Building for Lawyers, Part 1

Build a buzz and you will build a bigger book of business.  And, no, I am not just referring to building a bigger medical marijuana defense practice.  Being an excellent lawyer is not enough to build a book of business if no one knows what you do and for whom.  Help...

Should Lawyers Have a Personal Brand?

Until I facilitated and spoke about branding at two different lawyer events last week, I wasn’t convinced the word “brand” was a relevant concept for lawyers. I didn’t even think it worked very well for law firms. While the word reputation...