resumeHR consultant Liz Ryan, founder of “Human Workplace”, writes fresh, useful advice columns for people on job searches.  The other day she wrote an excellent column on ways to answer the “why do you want to work here” question. She recently wrote about how to get a job you will hate.  A cornerstone of her job search advice is what she calls a “human voiced” resume.

Take Ms. Ryan’s “human voiced” job search approaches  straight up or modify her tips to fit you.  Either way, I think you’ll find some valuable ideas you can start implementing to stand out and be more of your unique self in your search for your next job.

I know from experience with my lawyer clients that you’ll like your resume, cover letters, interviews, even your own website content and LinkedIn profile more when you look and sound more like yourself.  And yes, that includes parts of yourself that you, like many lawyers, may have a hard time seeing and promoting.

That’s why asking questions and listening for nuggets is my favorite aspect of coaching lawyers.  It’s not just about finding a new job or a better fit, having a more effective website or more clients.  It’s also about you recognizing, building on and being more of your unique, best self.  When you start doing this, more of the other good things will follow.

If you want to stand out by being more of your unique self in your job search, marketing, business development, or workplace, please contact me.