business development, job searching
Lawyer resumes and LinkedIn profiles remind me of my high school English teacher, Ms. Angott. Her red ink filled the margins of our papers with “awk” and “dead wood”. My margins contained many pithy comments, but awk for awkward and dead wood...
business development, career management, job searching
If You Hate “Networking” Stop Using That Word If you hate networking, don’t go to a legal “networking event”. Don’t force yourself to schedule a “networking coffee”. Don’t ask a partner to lunch to network with her. Don’t network to...
business development, career management
Sometimes my days have a theme. Yesterday’s theme: Get to the point. Be Direct. Last night a lawyer friend told us a recent story about filing a motion for summary disposition after he was hired to replace a well known insurance defense firm. As soon as he was...
business development, career management, practice & time management
No news is not good news! No news in the practice of law ratchets up people’s imaginations and stress levels as fast as thinking about sharks when you are swimming in the ocean. When clients hear no news from their lawyer, they start questioning whether their...