>Last night a lawyer friend of mine crossed an item off her bucket list. The diva, aka “Rachel Rules”, channeled Aretha and others for an hour at a birthday party for herself. R-E-S-P-E-C-T….

Rewind. The idea started to take shape where many things do — in a bar. During the afterglow of a bar association dinner two months ago, Rachel shared with a handful of friends that she has always wanted to sing live with a band at least once. The second anniversary of her 50th birthday was fast approaching and her years of karaoke were not going to count.

Among those of us present was a multi-talented lawyer on whom Energizer modeled its bunny. He got going bright & early the next morning, calling Rachel with a list of suggested lawyer musicians just as she lay wondering why she had revealed this particular item on her bucket list of things to do. That afternoon he showed up at her office with a potential playlist of songs. American Idol fans volunteered their availability as potential backup singers and musicians. The Ann Arbor legal community was abuzz.

Fast forward to last night. The club’s lights spun, the dry ice drifted, the band rocked and Rachel ruled. Rachel had a great time. We all did. You can’t go wrong when you open with Mustang Sally and work in a costume change.

Take a look at your own bucket list. What’s on it? Who’s in your brigade? When will you get started?