I’ve seen many of these 14 Ways to be Better at Your Job in 2013 work for my lawyer clients and friends in the last few years.  Read the full Forbes article, add a client focus to several and adapt them to your law practice or career.  These suggestions aren’t in any particular order and they may not sound new or be rocket science, but they work, especially when you do them appropriately and consistently.

  1. Anticipate your department’s [&/or client’s] needs.
  2. Get to know your boss [&/or client] better.
  3. Assume success.
  4. Study your [client’s] industry.
  5. Always come to the table with a solution.
  6. Find a mentor.
  7. Improve your communication skills.
  8. Work harder and smarter.
  9. Don’t overwork yourself.
  10. Volunteer to get involved with special projects, particularly those across business units.
  11. See the [client’s] big picture.
  12. Invest in continuous learning to stay on top of your game.
  13. Ask [your client] the right questions.
  14. Follow through on all tasks and commitments.

Jacquelyn Smith’s Forbes article includes other tips your parents probably told you and that are still true today:  pay more attention to detail, stop complaining, become more of a team player and go above and beyond.

If you would like lawyer coaching to customize these suggestions into your job,  please contact me.