Last week I posted how in December I ask my clients to review their past year and acknowledge 100 of their accomplishments. In December I also ask them to write next year’s holiday letter – – as if they are looking back at the upcoming year.

When I do this exercise myself (as I had to assure one of my clients that I do), I start with a stream of consciousness or “scribbling” approach and write quickly without contemplation. I usually surprise myself with some of what I write about what happened in the upcoming year.

(A note about writing: one of my college English professors required weekly writings he called “scribbles.” They were a page or two about any thought we had related to the novel we were studying. For some reason, calling them scribbles was liberating. I still often use this approach to get started writing.)

If you haven’t set some goals yet for next year, or even thought about a New Year’s resolution, set down that burden and scribble a 2010 Holiday Letter instead.

I think you will find it is a different way to discover your values and what you really want to accomplish in the upcoming year.

Scribble and see what unfolds for you in 2010.