An ah-ha moment. These moments of clarity and wisdom produce action. Several lawyers I know have actually had exactly the same ah-ha moment. Because of some random, unsolicited comment, they suddenly realize that people they thought know what they do as a lawyer don’t actually know what they do as a lawyer. Even some other lawyers they know don’t actually know what they do and the kinds of clients they serve. It never occurred to them that these people don’t know. In fact, they were counting on these people knowing.
Although often disheartening, these moments of realization are also gifts. They shed light and produce purposeful action. Lawyers change how they describe what they do and for whom. They improve their marketing and their marketing results.
You can wait for such a moment or you can benefit from other lawyers’ moments and test how you are doing. You can start by asking questions of people you know, including other lawyers, to find out how effectively you are getting your message out there about what you do as a lawyer and the kinds of clients you serve. What DO they think you do and for whom?
If you would like coaching to make sure you are effectively communicating what you do and for whom, please contact me.