Building Buzz About Your Legal Services:

Assess yourself and the competition.  Is any other lawyer known as the “go to lawyer” for your same target market? How can you become known as the “go to lawyer” for that market?  Who and what will help elevate you to that status?  How can you develop that reputation and increase your visibility with that market?  Where and when will you start?  Is there buzz about any lawyer you know, regardless of his or her practice area?  What creates that buzz?  What does the buzz create?

  1. Your belief:  You are an exceptional lawyer for small, ongoing businesses.
  2. Buzz Bits:  Experienced, practical, responsive, helpful, understanding and creative in working with small businesses.
  3. Who & What Will Help Build Buzz:  You, current & former clients, referral sources, family & friends, media relationships, lawyers who don’t do what you do, out of state lawyers including former classmates, mavens and connectors, as well as articles, use of social media, speaking engagements and a website all directed to reach and appeal to your target market.
  4. When:  Insert the date you will start building buzz.
  5. How to Sustain Buzz:  Create and use a weekly business development plan with daily elements to consistently and persistently build your name recognition, visibility and credibility with your target market.  You can do this in person, via telephone, email, LinkedIn & other social media, through speaking engagements, articles, posts and your website – – all designed to appeal to and attract the interest of your target market, and by getting out into your target market in other ways, perhaps even as simple as just leaving your building for a cup of coffee or to run an errand.

How will you know when the buzz has started working?  You will know when people start saying, “I keep seeing your name everywhere.”  “Will you come and speak to our group?”  “You are the first person who came to mind.”  “You are the one everyone told me to call.”  “I’m not sure if you do this but I keep hearing your name everywhere and I thought I’d ask you.”  “You are everywhere.”  “You are the only lawyer I know who does this.”

This buzz will lead to business.